North Macedonia

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Skopje, 2023 - 2024

We delivered an 18-month financial investigation pathway program for multi-agency financial investigators on behalf of the UK HMRC and British Embassy in Skopje. The program was accredited by the UK Skills for Justice Awards body and resulted in the certification of 26 practitioner participants..

Skopje, 2022

Training Needs Analysis carried out for the British Embassy as part of a scoping visit to design and deliver a vocational pathway of training for multi-agency Financial Investigators. The programme will be  aligned to the National Strategy for Asset Recovery and is designed to provide a self-sustainable training programme for the stakeholders

Online Delivery, 2021

Delivery of an online 5-day OSINT course on behalf of the OSCE to Bosnia & Herzegovina participants as part of a Western Balkans multi country project

Skopje, 2019

Delivery of a 4-day asset recovery and international cooperation course for anti-corruption practitioners on behalf of the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative

Skopje, 2013

Participated in the regional capacity building program for financial investigation & asset recovery on behalf of the UK FCO, which included meetings on comparative practices in the areas of asset recovery and confiscation

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