Kingdom of Jordan

Amman, 2017
We delivered an OSINT course to Investigators of the Jordanian Anti Corruption Commission and members of the AML Unit in Amman between the 20th – 23rd March 2017. This was part of a wider project being delivered by AML Consulting Global (Ltd) on behalf of the Council of Europe, which will also saw delivery of additional OSINT, offshore money laundering and international cooperation courses & seminars in both Jordan and Ramallah, Palestine.
Click here to read an article from the Council of Europe
Amman, 2017
We delivered an offshore money laundering typologies course based on a public procurement corruption case scenario to members of the Jordanian Anti-Corruption Commission in Amman. This was the third activity in the previously mentioned Council of Europe project and took place in May.
Click here to read an article from the Council of Europe
Amman, 2015 – Present
We have been providing technical assistance to the Jordanian Anti-Corruption Commission in respect of their international co-operation and inter agency protocols and procedures. In 2017 we shall be delivering a series of workshops and seminars focusing of OSINT, offshore money laundering, enhancing mutual legal assistance requests through developed intelligence and international co operation.
Amman, 2013 – 2014
We provided assistance to the EU criminal justice improvement project in Jordan by designing and delivering asset recovery and offshore money laundering awareness raising seminars for over 90 members of the judiciary together with PEACE interviewing course for Police and Prosecutors.
Amman, 2012
Delivery of a 5-day financial investigation course for the UN.