Combating Organised Crime

Combating Organised Crime

Supporting Global Initiatives

We have a cadre of experienced Consultant practitioners who have spent their careers in law enforcement and other agencies in the fight against organised crime using intelligence-led policing, technical, covert and financial investigation methodology. Through our experience of working in 40+ countries, we recognise the challenges to law enforcement posed by the modern-day threat of national & transnational organised crime and the importance of an effective response to this.

We are experienced in delivering training to agencies tasked with combating organised crime in common and civil law jurisdictions and have trained Police, Tax and Customs Authorities, FIUs, Anti-Corruption Commissions, Intelligence Agencies, Prosecutors, Judges and other Agencies tasked with Asset recovery and Financial Investigation.

Examples of how we can assist

Policy, strategies and institutional frameworks

Advice on the prosecution and adjudication of organised crime

Organised crime threat assessments

Advice on implementation of national strategies

Criminal intelligence methodologies and Practices

Bespoke and accredited training courses

Technical Assistance Delivered in 50+ Countries

Immersive Training Solutions

Qualified Trainers

Accredited by Skills for Justice Awards