
Flag_of_Serbia Medium

Serbia, 2021

Delivery of an online 5-day OSINT course on behalf of the OSCE to Serbian participants as part of a Western Balkans multi country project

Belgrade, 2019

Design and delivery of a 4-day mutual legal assistance and international asset recovery course (and View360 Global immersive exercise) for the OSCE

Belgrade, 2016

We delivered targeted training for the Komercijalna Bank on behalf of the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development with the focus on AML/CFT and offshore ML threats.

Belgrade, 2014

Delivered certificated cybercrime and e forensic crime scene training for Police and Prosecutors on behalf of the UK National Crime Agency and the existing EU Twinning Project.

Belgrade, 2013 -2014

We participated in a training needs analysis and then and designed and delivered two AML and financial investigation training modules relating to anti corruption for Serbian Police and Prosecutors on behalf of the OSCE.

Belgrade, 2013

We were engaged by the Council of Europe to deliver Internet investigation training to the Serbian Police (Financial Investigation Unit) and intelligence development training to the APML (FIU).

Novisad, 2013

Participated in the Regional Anti Corruption Initiative’s (RAI) summer school for junior anti corruption practitioners. Provided presentations on financial investigation, asset recovery and international cooperation.

Belgrade, 2012 -2013

We undertook a review on behalf of the Council of Europe CAR Project and reported on the financial investigation training needs of the Serbian Ministry of Interior’s Police Financial Investigation Unit.

Belgrade, 2011 – 2012

We participated and presented at a 2-day awareness raising seminars on asset recovery Office and international co-operation on behalf of the EU (TAIEX).

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