
kenya flag

Nairobi, 2021

We delivered 5-day course on Special Investigation Measures - controlled delivery in wildlife investigations for multi-agency law enforcement representatives

Nairobi, 2016

This year we trained a further 75 investigators in financial investigation techniques, 10 investigators on a train the trainer program and delivered a 5-day course for senior managers. This brings to an end a 2-year program to support the EACC in respect of asset recovery in corruption cases.

Nairobi, 2015 

Design and delivery of a 10 day financial investigation course delivered to representatives of the Kenyan Police. This was delivered on behalf of INTERPOL.

Nairobi and Regional Offices 2014 – Present

We have designed and delivered a program of financial investigation training for Investigators of the Ethics Anti Corruption Commission. In 2015 we trained and mentored 40 investigators, putting into place personal development programs and assisted in the design and implementation of their forensic services lab. This was followed by a training program for the technicians dealing with IT examinations.

Nairobi, 2011 

Tristram Hicks undertook a review of the AML / CFT capacity of the Kenyan authorities on behalf of the UK FCO.

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