Countering Terrorist Financing

Countering Terrorist Financing

Meeting Modern Challenges

Terrorism continues to pose an increasing threat to many countries. Traditional terrorist financing methods and techniques and the emerging terrorist financing risks means that governments are required to demonstrate operational effectiveness. We offer training for law enforcement and the regulated sector to assist them in implementing best practice to meet these challenges and to implement national strategies and law.

Our lead Consultant recently retired from London’s Metropolitan Police Anti-Terror Command where he worked as an Accredited Financial Investigator tracing money flows and investigating terrorist’s finances.

We can bring our experience to jurisdictions where terrorist financing is becoming more prevalent and where challenges exist in countering these typologies.

Our Services

Specialised training for law enforcement agencies

Legislative review & gap analysis

Bespoke course design

Delivery of enhanced CTF courses for investigators and prosecutors

Mentoring and developmental programs

Technical Assistance Delivered in 50+ Countries

Immersive Training Solutions

Qualified Trainers

Accredited by Skills for Justice Awards