
Podgorica, 2021
Delivery of an online 5-day OSINT course on behalf of the OSCE to Montenegrin participants as part of a Western Balkans multi country project
Podgorica, 2018
2-Day Asset Recovery course
Podgorica, 2016
Design and delivery of a 5-day interviewing course (PEACE model) for Police and Prosecutors on behalf of the EU.
Podgorica, 2015
In furtherance of the the regional capacity building program for financial investigation & asset recovery on behalf of the UK FCO we delivered a short program of mentoring for Police and Prosecutors.
Podgorica, 2013 – 2014
AML Consulting (Global) Ltd led the regional capacity building program for financial investigation & asset recovery on behalf of the UK FCO and delivered AML, financial investigation, open source internet investigation & joint investigation team best practice with Montenegrin and Albanian participants.