
Bucharest, 2024
We delivered a program of training for the Regional Anti-Corruption Initiative’s 19 Summer School for Junior Anti-Corruption Practitioners held at the Southeast European Law Enforcement Centre (SELEC). The training focused on critical thinking and emotional intelligence skills for AC practitioners as well as financial investigation and international cooperation in corruption cases. The course was accredited by the UK Skills for Justice Awards body and 19 participants received SFJ certificates
Poiana Brasov, 2017
Design and delivery of two 5-day strategic intelligence courses to 29 Intelligence Officers from the General Directorate for Internal Protection(GDIP)
Poiana Brasov, 2016
Participation in an anti-corruption seminar held by the Romanian Prosecutors Office providing an international perspective to assist them with the development of an internal publication dealing with guidelines on asset recovery and confiscation for Romanian prosecutors and the judiciary.
Poiana Brasov, 2015 – 2016
We were engaged by the Romanian Department of Intelligence Internal Protection (DIIP) on behalf of Norway Grants to deliver a medium term training project in the area of covert policing, open source internet investigation and technical support tactics (surveillance) relating to combatting human trafficking. Over 50 DIIP officers were trained during 6 separate courses that were certificated.
Poiana Brasov, 2015
Delivery of a 2-day seminar on extended confiscation best practice for the Romanian Anti Corruption Agency.
Constanta, 2014
Seminar on extended confiscation practices in the EU and comparative legislation. Delivered a presentation on behalf of freedom House NGO on UK confiscation practices and EU comparative legislation.
Sibiu, 2014
Representatives of AML Consulting (Global) Ltd were invited to participate in Regional Anti Corruption Initiative’s (RAI) annual summer school for junior anti corruption practitioners for the second consecutive year. Topics presented during interactive sessions include financial investigation and asset recovery, intelligence development through the use of open source investigation techniques and the use of offshore jurisdictions & money laundering typologies.