Design And/Or Delivery Of Training or Crisis management Remotely.
Three years ago, the AML Consulting (Global) Group changed its approach to how it delivered capacity building and training globally.
We incentivised our Consultants to ensure that they had Learning & Development qualifications and acquired Approved Training Centre status from the Skills for Justice Awards Body. More importantly, we moved from traditional methods of PPT driven training to fully blended learning ensuring that our clients and the beneficiaries amongst the 54 countries in which we have been engaged were receiving training that had been designed by qualified practitioners to deliver clear learning objectives while providing value for money.
Two years ago, we introduced our multilingual interactive and immersive Cloud-based platform, View360 Global™, to our Clients. It is not an online LMS, but a versatile platform which has been used in the facilitation of live training and crisis management events in 14 countries for major clients from both the public and private sectors. Its application ranges from education, healthcare, the criminal justice sector and crisis management or business continuity training for government and private sector companies. It can be delivered across jurisdictions and used in over 90 languages.
While we appreciate that the COVID-19 has had a serious impact on plans for many organisations with training requirements, we are continuing to work with our clients to design content for deployment as part of business continuity planning or for international donor projects that have been postponed and where the prompt implementation of deliverables will be required once this global crisis has diminished.
If you would like to know more about how we can assist you to design and or deliver training or crisis management events either at your premises or remotely using our platform, then please call us on +44 (0) 1474 555507 or email us at enquiries@cognitasglobal.com.